Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Squirrel Mafia

For those of you who know my daughter this story will come as no surprise to you. For those of you who don't know her...this is the way she thinks, in a nutshell (pun intended).

One morning a few months ago, my daughter called to me from the kitchen. She wanted me to "see" something. Now for any parent of a teen you know that it could have been a million things she wanted to show me. Her cereal, her brother doing something wrong, the dog annoying her, her clothes, really anything. However this morning she wanted me to look outside. Our kitchen windows overlook our front yard and driveway. In our driveway were three very fat squirrels. Our neighborhood has many squirrels. I'm talking A LOT. Hundreds. No, I'm not exaggerating. So seeing the squirrels wasn't what was strange.The oddity of this was a) it was the middle of winter and the squirrels were VERY fat b) They were sitting in a perfect triangle about 4 feet apart from each other c) none were moving-only staring at each other.

Me - "Thats a bunch of fat squirrels."

Daughter - "Watch what you say, Mom. Its a meeting of the squirrel mafia."

Me - "Trouble in squirrel world?"

Daughter - "I'm not sure but I think the godfathers are mad. Something about our tree being off limits to the one on the left. There might be a throwdown."

Me- "Should we do something?"

Daughter- "I don't think we should get involved. They are pretty powerful. I'd hate for us to get a tree limb across the roof of our car because we asked to many questions."


Now you might be wondering why I am posting this silly little story. My daughter has an amazing imagination and is very quick witted. I adore her. She keeps us all laughing all the time and is such a joy to be around. Today, a day where a woman in Florida who may or may not have killed her daughter was allowed to go free, a day where no one will be held accountable for that little girls death, I decided to celebrate the fantastic wonder of a person MY daughter is. It breaks my heart to think no one will ever know how funny or witty that little girl MIGHT have been had someone been looking out for her.

Hug your kids. Love them with all your heart. Remind them daily how special they are.


  1. That made my heart twinge Dayna...

  2. Very true Miss Dayna! And remind me that Luke is never allowed to your house. You just can't trust the Squirrel Mafia...
