Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dan understands...

Dan Radcliffe was on Jon Stewart yesterday. Yes he was promoting Potter but that isn't what my blog is about. No really....it isn't. I'm serious! It was something he said that actually caught my attention. He was asked by Jon if he ever has to fake being excited about something, if he ever got "over" the excitement of things as many Hollywood people do. He said no. See for yourself...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daniel Radcliffe
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I totally get his answer. I live his answer. I am ALWAYS excited about things. My friend Laura posted a picture on Facebook the other day and captioned it "This reminds me of my friend Dayna". The picture said "Today is going to be bloody A-MAZ-ING! I love Todays!". Yeah I get excited and happy about silly things. Call me Polyana but I look forward to looking forward to things. I get excited about movies, music, concerts, dinners out, shopping...whatever. Its part of my personality. Clover asked me at the Motley Crue show how I can still get excited about hearing the same songs we've heard a million times. I don't know why, but I do. I don't get to see Motley live in concert every day so it made that day special. I get excited about special days. Tomorrow is my birthday AND I'm having lunch poolside with a few friends whom I adore AND I'm going to dinner with a few other friends whom I also adore. See...three reasons tomorrow will be a special day. Three reasons to be excited and happy.

If this blog doesn't make sense to you and you think I'm strange for getting excited about silly things, thats ok. Dan gets it. I always knew he'd understand me. ;-) Wonder if he'd like my Harry Potter Day song.....?

1 comment:

  1. I've seen it twice now... think I will read the books now. I know, I know. But, I adore Dan Ratcliffe, he seems like such a sweet boy, who enjoys doing what he does, and is fine with being a role model.
