Today is July 1, 2011. In 19 days I will be 39 years old. Excuse my language but how the FUCK did that happen? I type the number and even the numbers look old. 39. Wow.
I think everyone, around their birthday, reflects about who they are and where they have been/are going. I know I did it last year, the year before and the year before that. I'm happy. I'm in a good spot. I'm enjoying my life. But here's the thing. I come from good stock. Women in my family almost always live well into their 90's. In fact, my Great Great Aunt Lucille turned 102 this year. So that makes me ponder about what I should do with the next 50+ years of my life. 50 years. Now those numbers make me feel better. Yeah I'm middle aged and almost in my forties but hey...there is a very good chance I have a good 50 years left. I think I'll ponder THAT for a minute. I can fit a lot in 50 years. Look at how much I've managed to fit into 39.
My dear Aunt Keila, whose birthday is also in July, has always celebrated her 'birthday month'. Bought something for herself at least once a week during the whole month. Little things like teeth whiteners, new socks, a plant. Big things like ruby rings, vacations, cars. Whatever she wanted because she was celebrating her and her life. I've always loved that concept. Celebrating yourself and the fact you've managed to stay healthy enough, wise enough and happy enough to make it one more year. Just think of all the presents 50 more years of birthday months could bring. Yep, I feel better already!
I love the idea of celebrating yourself. It is concept that I think more people need to embrace. Don't wait for someone else to tell you how special you are, it is okay to tell yourself!!!!