Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Pampered Life of Cinema Suites

The main thought behind this blog has very little to do with the title, however if you've never taken the time or money to go see a movie at the Cinema Suites in the AMC 30 you really should do yourself a favor and go. Suck up the price and enjoy it. Huge cushioned reclining seats, full bar, full pub food menu and, the best part in my opinion, NO KIDS! You must be 21 to go. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy taking my kids to a movie. I loved hearing all the little ones gasp and giggle at Buzz Lightyear. But if I am going to see a movie without my children, I would rather not have to listen to my neighbors 3 1/2 yr old talk, cry and throw a fit because he is bored out of his brain in a movie he doesn't belong in. Oh and PS....your 18 month old doesn't belong in a movie theatre. They don't get it, they don't appreciate it, and they don't have the attention span for it so they will cry and throw fits that annoy the rest of us. Period. End of discussion. Anyway, Cinema Suites rule.

My real reason for this blog is to discuss Twilight. Now before you click the back button on your computer, hear me out. No I am not a Twilighter, Twihard, Twimom, Tweek, whatever the hell they call over zealous insane Twilight fans, nor am I here to bash those people. I get it, tweens love the insane romance of a 18yr old girl and a vampire. Moms love the "depth" of their relationship...blah blah blah. Whatever. I read the books, liked the first one and have seen all the movies. What shocks me is the obsession level that adult women have gone to with these books/movies. Now yeah, my girlfriends and I went to see the new movie last night. We enjoyed it as much as you can enjoy tween/teen movie with half naked boy toys and Kristen Stewart in it. Sidenote: I will someday post a blog as to the reasons of my absolute distain and hatred of Kristen Stewart's acting. There are however this very large group of women, ages 20-70, who are OBSESSED with Twilight. To the point of wondering if they go to Forks WA, yes there really is such a place, they might find their own Edward or Jacob. Example. I read a story online about this woman in her mid 40's who quit her job and sold her house so she could "fully explore the Twilight life". The Twilight life?? WTF? To her that meant going to Washington, searching through Forks and the indian reservation. Going to Italy to try to find the Volturi. Picking the books apart to find every little hint of WHERE they might be. Yes you read that right, WHERE they are. This woman truly thinks Stephanie Meyer is giving hints to where these people are because they are real. Of course the woman obviously has mental issues but that is the tip of the ice berg. There are examples everywhere. The Twilight Book Club for women over 50 in South Carolina who get together once a week to discuss parts of the books. Ladies, there are only 4 books and they really weren't that good or so deep they need to be dissected weekly. Or the lady I saw in line at the grocery store who was about 30 decked out in her Team Jacob t-shirt, Twilight handbag and was discussing the newest movie with the maybe 17 yr old check out girl. I personally know a woman who left her 10 yr anniversary dinner with her husband early so she could get in line for the midnight showing of the newest movie. Realy? Really really?

Now before a few of you get your panties in a wad and start throwing my Potter obsession in my face I want you to understand my point. I get being a fan of something. I understand that we all need a distraction from our everyday lives. I love to be so involved in a new book that you can't wait to read the next words on the next page. Remember I am the girl who locked herself in her bedroom the morning the new Potter books were delivered and didn't speak to anyone or come out till I was done with the whole book. I GET IT. What bothers me is this. These people invest so much time and energy into a fantasy world and not their real world. Edward, Jacob, Bella...they aren't real and have no impact on your life, or at least they shouldn't. But I am betting that if you asked that woman in line at the grocery store to name all the members of the Volturi she could, but ask that same woman who General MacChrystal is and why he was recently fired from his job? Yeah you see where I'm going with this.

I don't know, maybe its just me being high and mighty but seriously people look around at the real world and get involved. When an involvement in a fantasy world starts to replace your involvement in the real world something needs to change. I know this happens in other things besides Twilight and not all people who like Twilight are social morons who don't know anything about the rest of the world but seriously folks, read a newspaper. Look around and know there is more good vs evil or love and romance in the real world than there ever will be in a book.

Sorry about going on and on about this, but hell it is my blog so I can do what I want. :-)

Go Team Jane!


  1. Yes! And, btw, you SHOULD bash people who take such things so far. It's their sheer desperation that's so disconcerting; they can't deal with real life and so latch on to fictional reality.

  2. Great post Dayna! I agree with it all, although right now I would much rather live in a fantasy world right now considering my real life isn't all that happy right now.

  3. Good post, and I DO know who MacChrystal is... But, I am no groupie... just like the books/movies. I did see a mom and daughter out in matching Eclipse shirts. It was opening day and they already had gear. Crazy. BTW... I watched the Harry Potter trailer today... Exciting!
